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3 Things I Learned Last Week #83 – Data Skills, AI Coding Mastery, and OpenAI’s o1 Models Explained

Welcome to the 83rd edition of “3 Things I Learned Last Week”! 🌟

Buckle up, knowledge seekers! It’s time for another wild ride through the labyrinth of my brain. This newsletter is like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re gonna get, but it’s probably gonna be sweet. So, let’s dive in faster than a caffeinated squirrel on a sugar rush!

1. You Need Data Literacy Now More Than Ever (Or Risk Becoming a Human Abacus)

Picture this: You’re at a party, and someone asks, “So, what do you think about the latest data-driven trends?” Do you:
a) Confidently spout statistics like a walking Wikipedia
b) Mumble something about “big data” and hope they don’t ask follow-up questions
c) Fake a sudden onset of laryngitis

If you chose anything but ‘a’, it’s time to level up your data game! Dr. Talithia Williams is here to save us from drowning in a sea of numbers.

Key Takeaways (because who doesn’t love a good list?):

  • Data literacy: It’s not just for nerds anymore!
  • Critical analysis: Because not all data is created equal (looking at you, Facebook quizzes)
  • Beware the robot overlords: Don’t let algorithms make all your decisions (unless they’re offering free pizza)

🎥 Watch Dr. Williams explain data literacy without putting you to sleep

2. Use This Prompt to Learn to Code with AI (Because Skynet Needs More Recruits)

Ever wanted to learn coding but found it about as exciting as watching paint dry? Fear not! Cursor AI’s “Code Tutor” is here to turn you into a programming prodigy faster than you can say “Hello World!”

Key Takeaways (for those who skimmed the last section):

  • Get ready for code with training wheels (heavily commented, like your grandma’s Facebook posts)
  • Perfect for beginners who ask “Why?” more than a toddler
  • Customize your AI tutor (unfortunately, “Chris Hemsworth” voice is not an option… yet)

🎥 Discover how to make AI your personal coding sensei

3. OpenAI’s o1 Reasoning Models: Because Regular AI Wasn’t Confusing Enough

Just when you thought you understood AI, OpenAI throws a curveball with their o1 models. It’s like giving a supercomputer a philosophy degree – prepare for some deep thoughts!

Key Takeaways (now with 50% more jargon!):

  • These models use Reinforcement Learning, which is like training a dog, but with more math
  • Great for complex tasks, like generating code or explaining why your cat ignores you
  • Warning: May cost more than your monthly coffee budget (but hey, priorities, right?)

🎥 Dive into the rabbit hole of o1 reasoning models

And there you have it, folks! Another week, another brain dump. If you’re not subscribed yet, what are you waiting for? An engraved invitation? Here’s the next best thing:

📩 Subscribe here and join the cool kids’ table

Stay curious, stay weird, and remember: Learning is like deodorant – if you stop using it, things start to stink!

Until next time, keep those neurons firing!

~ Nathan “The Knowledge Ninja” Onn

The author partially generated this content with GPT-4 & ChatGPT, Claude 3, Gemini Advanced, and other large-scale language-generation models. Upon developing the draft, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the content to their liking and took ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.






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