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3 Things I Learned Last Week #73 – From AI Avengers to Self-Coding

Welcome to the 73rd edition of “3 Things I Learned Last Week”! 🌟

Buckle up, knowledge seekers! We’re about to embark on a wild ride through the treacherous jungles of information overload. I’ve macheted my way through the dense foliage of the internet to bring you the juiciest fruits of wisdom. So sit back, relax, and prepare to have your mind blown faster than a squirrel on espresso!

Here’s what I’ve got for you this week:

  1. Build Your Own AI Avengers with FlowiseAI (No Infinity Stones Required!)
  2. Claude 3.5 Sonnet: The Shakespeare of AI (Eat Your Heart Out, GPT-4!)
  3. Gemini API: When Code Starts Interpreting Itself (It’s Not Skynet… Yet)

Let’s dive in like we’re cannonballing into a pool of knowledge!

πŸ€– FlowiseAI: Assemble Your AI Dream Team (No Superpowers Needed)

Ever wished you could create your own Justice League of AI agents? Well, put away your comic books because FlowiseAI is here to make your geeky dreams come true! This no-code platform lets you build multi-agent AI workflows faster than you can say “Avengers, assemble!”

πŸ”‘ Key Takeaways (or “Why You Should Care”):

  • It’s so easy, even your technophobic grandma could build an AI team (though maybe don’t let her).
  • RAG isn’t just something your mom uses to clean spills – it’s Retrieval-Augmented Generation, baby!
  • Prompt engineering: Because telling AI what to do is the closest we’ll get to world domination.

πŸŽ₯ Watch the FlowiseAI demo and pretend you’re Nick Fury recruiting for S.H.I.E.L.D.

🧠 Claude 3.5 Sonnet: The AI That Makes GPT-4 Look Like a Flip Phone

Move over, GPT-4! There’s a new AI in town, and it’s got more swagger than a peacock at a fashion show. Claude 3.5 Sonnet is so advanced, it probably writes better poetry than actual sonnets. It’s like if Shakespeare and Stephen Hawking had a baby, and that baby was raised by the internet.

πŸ”‘ Key Takeaways (or “Why You’ll Be Telling Your Grandkids About This”):

  • It’s got more use cases than a Swiss Army knife on steroids.
  • “Artifacts” feature: Because who doesn’t want their AI to leave evidence behind?
  • It’s a glimpse into the future, where AI might be writing these newsletters instead of me (please don’t replace me, Claude).

πŸŽ₯ Witness 15 mind-bending use cases that’ll make you question reality.

πŸ’» Gemini API: When Your Code Starts Coding Itself

Google’s at it again, folks! The Gemini API Code Interpreter is like giving your code a PhD in self-awareness. It generates, executes, and iterates on Python code faster than you can say “Stack Overflow.” It’s so smart, it might start asking for a raise soon.

πŸ”‘ Key Takeaways (or “Why Programmers Might Need a New Hobby”):

  • One API request to rule them all: Gandalf would be proud.
  • It handles everything from basic math to machine learning. Is there anything it can’t do? (Don’t answer that, Gemini.)
  • Currently only supports Python. Sorry, JavaScript lovers – your time will come.

πŸŽ₯ Watch Gemini API in action and question your career choices.

That’s all for this week’s “3 Things I Learned Last Week.” If your brain isn’t sizzling with newfound knowledge, you might want to check your pulse.

Don’t be the last one at the water cooler without these hot AI updates. Subscribe now and become the office know-it-all you’ve always dreamed of being!

πŸ“© Subscribe here:

May your week be filled with more ‘aha!’ moments than a detective solving a case!

Yours in perpetual befuddlement,

~ Nathan

P.S. If you found this newsletter more entertaining than watching cats on YouTube, share it with a friend. They’ll thank you later (probably with cat videos).

The author partially generated this content with GPT-4 & ChatGPT, Claude 3, Gemini Advanced, and other large-scale language-generation models. Upon developing the draft, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the content to their liking and took ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.






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